K-Hub PCVE Outlook #2
Encyclopaedia of Peace Education Modules in Indonesia
Mapping Modules for Preventing Violent Extremism in Indonesia
10 minutes read

In 2022, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) stated that since 2010, a total of 24 minors have been convicted over their involvement in terrorism. Four of them were the perpetrators of bombings in Surabaya, aged 9, 12, 16, and 18 years old respectively. Furthermore, two minors, aged 12 and 17 years old, have been recorded as foreign terrorist fighters without parental supervision in Syria (Ifan, 2022).
Key Findings

Module Categorization
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The Substance of the Modules Based on the RAN PE Framework
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Counter Radicalization
The chart above illustrates the frequencies of the theme presented within the modules. The bigger the bubble size, the more frequent the themes exist.

Diagram of PVE Module Categorization
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Each module can have multiple objectives, so the number of data on this diagram is more than 16.In the context of this research, Knowledge, Skills, and Values are defined as:
Diagram of Targets Based on Implementation Locations

Each module can have multiple implementation locations, so the number of data points in this diagram is more than 16.DISCLAIMER
Each module can have multiple RAN PE Focus Points, so the number of data in this diagram is more than 16.In the context of this research, Exclusive and Inclusive are defined as:

CSOs should carefully consider the objectives, targets, content, methods, and supporting elements when writing PVE activity modules so that their implementation can achieve the desired goals.
Module content should be expanded to include the cultivation of values. Cultivating values is important because violent extremism can occur when perpetrators embody the values they strongly hold. Therefore, cultivating peace values in society should be a priority so that people can implement these values in their daily lives. Additionally, if someone has already adopted extremist values, cultivating peace values is important to prevent them from enacting these extremist values through violence. The focus on skill enhancement such as problem-solving becomes less relevant while communities with extremist values still believe that everything can only be achieved through violent means. So far, skill enhancement remains a focus for many CSOs because implementing methods are easy and quick to measure while cultivating values and measuring their implementation requires a relatively longer period of time.
It is important to include communication as one of the core topics in PVE modules because communication is a fundamental skill that can bridge differences in understanding and perspectives.
It is important to use a gender perspective in developing modules. This gender perspective is not only related to the content in the module but also to the lens used when preparing the module itself. In various development issues, including peacebuilding, there are four aspects related to gender that need to be highlighted:
a. Equal participation between gender groups. This can be realized in the form of unbiased, gender-directed questions from facilitators when teaching modules and encouraging everyone to actively engage.
b. Access. CSOs should ensure that everyone can access their modules, regardless of their gender background.
c. Control. CSOs should ensure that the perspective used in the module is gender-inclusive. For example, in terms of characterization, cases, or language, CSOs should not favor one gender group, such as only men or only women. This is important because participants need appropriate representation to internalize values properly.
d. Benefits. CSOs should ensure that this module can benefit all parties, not just specific gender groups. Furthermore, in terms of substance, gender issues are also important to highlight, given the increasing trend of active involvement of women in violent extremist activities from year to year.
It is important to apply learning reflection methods to modules by providing appropriate reflection guide questions. Reflection methods are a process where module beneficiaries recall and reflect on what they have learned and convey it to the facilitator. This is the key to the internalization process of learning outcomes to ensure that learners understand the module content in its entirety.
The diversity of facilitators, such as religious and gender diversity, should be considered. This aims to expose learners to diversity, facilitate intergroup contact so that the values in the module have real representation, and aid in the internalization process of values.
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- Ifan, Theofilus Sucipto. (2022, Desember). Sedih! 24 Anak Jadi Pelaku Tindak Pidana Teroris. Media Indonesia. https://mediaindonesia.com/politik-dan-hukum/543881/sedih-24-anak-jadi-pelaku-tindak-pidana-teroris
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